Modern Foreign Languages


At English Martyrs Catholic Primary School, we want all children to leave us at the end of KS2 with a solid foundation of linguistic skills which can be applied at KS3 and beyond as well as a love of language learning and a thirst for knowledge. We believe that the learning of a foreign language provides a valuable educational, social and cultural experience for our pupils. Learning another language gives children a new perspective on the world, encouraging them to develop their understanding of their own cultures and those of others.

In French we aim to develop curiosity. We want pupils to ask questions about different cultures, experiences and how to communicate in another language. Comparing and contrasting cultures from around the world.

We want children to be aspirational in their work. We want them to challenge themselves to develop fluency, learning new vocabulary and using it effectively. Children are expected to be reflective and evaluate their work, thinking about how they can improve their pronunciation.

We want them to be fully engaged in French lessons, developing a love of the language and an understanding of the French culture.


In Key Stage 2, pupils learn French, following the ‘Rigolo’ scheme of work. In discreet weekly lessons, traditional methods of language learning are combined alongside the use of multimedia materials. Through stories, songs and games, pupils are learning how to develop accurate pronunciation and intonation and read aloud using familiar words and phrases. The children will learn to read carefully and show understanding of words, phrases and simple writing, broaden their vocabulary, write phrases from memory, describe people, places, things and actions and understand basic grammar. Where possible, we also incorporate the learning of French into our topics to further develop learning and language skills. Following the Rigolo programme, the children study six units in each year group; twenty-four in total over their schooling. Each unit and each new year aims to build on the knowledge from the previous. The units include learning about countries, cultures, peoples and communities.nd an understanding of the French culture.

Curriculum Impact

During French lessons we encourage the children to use the new vocabulary for each unit both orally and in written work. Through the scheme the children develop their knowledge of the French language and increase their understanding of a wider range of vocabulary. Teachers give verbal and written feedback throughout a unit of work. At the end of each unit of work, teachers assess pupils using the schemes assessment grids, indicating whether they are working at the expected level for the year, towards the expected level, or at greater depth.