

At English Martyrs Catholic Primary School, we value Science as an important part of the children’s entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum. Science provides the children with the opportunities to make enquiries about the world around them, to investigate and reach informed conclusions.

In Science we aim to develop curiosity. We want pupils to ask questions about what they see, to wonder why things happen and to confidently explore the world around them.

We want children to be aspirational in their work. We want them to challenge themselves to develop their scientific thinking and ideas in investigative work. We want children to have no limits in their future ambitions and become tomorrow’s scientists.

We want them to be fully engaged in science lessons, developing a love of investigation. We aim to inspire and ignite pupils through engaging practical sessions leading to learners who are self-motivated, independent and resilient.


The teaching and implementation of the Science Curriculum at English Martyrs Catholic Primary School is based on the National Curriculum and linked to topics to ensure a well-structured and balanced approach.

The children are taught Science in half termly blocks. Areas covered include biology, chemistry and physics. Investigation skills are ongoing throughout the school and children learn to explore, question, predict, plan, carry out investigations and observations as well as evaluate their findings and draw conclusions. There is a clear progression throughout the school based on the objectives from the National Curriculum, both statutory and non-statutory.

Children in Key Stage 1 and 2 use science books to record investigations, fact finding, questioning, observations and diagrams to demonstrate their growing scientific knowledge using specific scientific vocabulary. The work of famous scientists is explored to enhance the children's understanding of what a scientist is along with the wide range of people who work as scientists.

Where appropriate, learning takes place outdoors and we use the school’s extensive grounds to develop children’s practical skills and natural curiosity.

Curriculum Impact

During science lessons, time is always spent reflecting on understanding and suggesting ways to apply knowledge into real contexts. Pupils are enthusiastic about science, particularly practical work, and are keen to develop their understanding further.

At the end of each unit of work, teachers assess pupils using the ‘Not as we Know it’ assessment grids. This enables teachers to determine next steps in learning and to monitor who is on track to achieve age related expectations.

The subject leader monitors science work and talks with groups of pupils on a termly basis to ensure there is a depth of understanding in Science and a clear progression throughout the school.